Small to medium flower shop

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Ready to Discover the Right Device for Your Business?

Verifone ECR Family, with its stylish designs and wide range of features, offers solutions to create new revenue opportunities at the time of payment; while increasing customer satisfaction. It also enables businesses to earn more.

Next-Level Shopping Experience

people ecr businessmen

Accept Any Kind of Payments In-store

Generate Revenue at the Checkout

Verifone ECR solutions will help you increase sales even at the checkout. You can accept loyalty cards, travel cars, meal cards and alternative payment methods.

  • Meal card and travel card applications

    You can offer your employees meal and travel allowance on a card platform. These cards can be used like debit cards at some Food & Beverage point-of-sales as well.

  • Loyalty applications

    Run your loyalty programs by offering incentives to customers in order to increase sales or engagement with the company. 

  • Alternative payment methods

    You can generate revenue and increase customer satisfaction by accepting different advanced payment methods.

detail ecr cart groceries

We Serve to Several Industries

Verifone ECR solutions offer customized services to several industries.

  • Retail

    Get more value from your instore traffic by offering loyalty programs while accepting any kind of payment method.

  • Hospitality

    Let merchants welcome shoppers in each scenario whether outdoor, indoor or self service leveraging modern capabilities like split billing, flexible tipping.

  • Transport and travel

    Optimize the shopper experience at the cash register.

  • Banking

    Attract a new segment of merchants for acquiring services with devices.

people ecr girl in supermarket
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Looking for the right payment device for your business?

A Simple and Secure Way of Accepting Payments
detail ecr secure payment

Fraud detection

Verifone provides simple, secure and flexible solutions with PCI security standards.

Fraud detection

Verifone provides simple, secure and flexible solutions with PCI security standards.

Fast food card ECR payment

Expand and enrich in-store payment experience

Support payment methods that easily let shoppers pay using any method they choose, including digital wallets and mobile phone apps.

Expand and enrich in-store payment experience

Support payment methods that easily let shoppers pay using any method they choose, including digital wallets and mobile phone apps.

Beautiful making woman online payment in-store


Tap into the global market with APMs that include location-based merchant discovery, digital coupons, ads and more that drive the consumer to you.


Tap into the global market with APMs that include location-based merchant discovery, digital coupons, ads and more that drive the consumer to you.

Happy 1

Get a free expert consultation.

Our payment experts can help you choose the perfect solution for your business needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

people detail cloud services office man working laptop
  • Do you accept all kinds of payment methods?

    Verifone's ECR solutions support payment methods that easily let shoppers pay using any method they choose, including digital wallets, crypto wallets and mobile phone apps.

  • How do I choose the right ECR for my shop?

    Verifone offers many options for any size of customers from a variety of sectors who are either opening a new business or looking to upgrade their in-store process.

  • How do you prevent fraud?

    We provide complete protection against card fraud - from physically securing hardware to ensuring live card data is rendered useless to fraudsters through Point-to-Point Encryption (PCI P2PE). Our total security solution for retailers means your customers can shop with confidence and your business and brand stays protected.

  • What is the minimum transaction order?

    There is no limitation.

  • Do you also offer any monitoring solutions?

    Yes. Verifone’s transaction reporting solutions give merchants the flexibility to generate a wide variety of reports and analytical intelligence to improve their decision-making and business performance.

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We choose the right solution.

Good consultation takes time. Our team of experts will happily discuss your needs.